We opened a booth at Live Earth Matsuyama! | J's English|ジャスミンの英会話教室

We opened a booth at Live Earth Matsuyama!

There was a festival called Live Earth Matsuyma on Sunday.
I go there every year for handmade goods and all sorts of food.
This year, I had the opportunity to open a booth with the NPO I’m a part of ^^
We sold some foreign snacks, juice, and stationary for both adults and kids.
I was surprised everyone looooved Dr. Pepper and root beer; they sold out really fast.
It was a long day and hard work but I was glad we were able to pull off a great event as a group!

私が参加しているNPO(Communication Network)では、毎月主に子供向けの英会話イベント、「えいごカフェ」を開催していますが、5月のイベントは ライブアースまつやま に出店することができました!

私は苦手な味なのでビックリでした笑 みんな好きなんだ・・・

P.S. 最近人気上昇中の愛媛出身15歳のトラックメーカー、sasukeさんのパフォーマンスも見られてよかったです^^

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