Spring cleaning time! ~引越しの大掃除~ | J's English|ジャスミンの英会話教室

Spring cleaning time! ~引越しの大掃除~


I moved into my new apartment recently, and cleaning up is taking forever!

It’s a good chance to do some spring cleaning together^^

I’m usually fairly good at keeping things tidy, but man, my apartment looks like a hoarder’s house at the moment lol. Wayyy too many things.

Speaking of spring, I think the hay fever is kicking in this year 🙁 My eye lids feel a little puffy these days.

I also see many people wearing masks this season^^ It seems like a common thing to do in Japan to avoid pollen.


How Long Does it Take to Spring Clean? | Clean & Happy Nest



片づけと一緒に大掃除もしてたら余計に時間がかかってる。ちなみに、英語で「大掃除」は「spring cleaning」です☆


カナダでは花粉症(hay fever)は「アレルギーじゃない?」って軽く思われているので、アレルギーの薬を飲んで症状を抑える人が多いです。

日本ではよく見るマスクもカナダでは手術するお医者さんぐらいしかしないなぁ^^ 風邪予防とかですごく使えるんだけどね♪




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